Your Voice in Muskoka’s Future
Our Muskoka is a group comprised of business owners and residents who want to have input into the development and implementation of the Township of Muskoka Lakes and the neighbouring Township’s planning policies. Our objective is to ensure that all perspectives are represented and that there is a balanced approach to managing development.
Our Muskoka wants all property owners to understand the impacts of the approved Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan, currently being appealed; its policies and by-law revisions. We will assist in educating and informing property owners in a respectful inclusive manner, working with advice from experienced professionals who understand the Muskoka planning context.
Our goal is to ensure that the new Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan contains clear concise policies that protect the environment, respect property rights, balance the interests of residents and visitors, and combine to support a complete community.
Founding Members and Advisory Board
We are an association of full and part time residents, business owners, realtors and visitors who value Muskoka as a complete sustainable community shared by all. We value the view from the canoe, the shore, main street and the rural countryside. We are proud of and support Muskoka’s record as a leader in innovative environmental stewardship.
Jason Sifft of Muskoka Lumber
Bob Clarke of Clarke Muskoka
Kevin Scott of Muskoka Landscapers
Joe Quinn of Chestnut Park
Chris Madden of Tamarack North
Alex Foreshew of Foreshew Design Associates Inc.
Mike Archambault of Muskoka builders Association
Marc Kemerer - Legal Advisor
Alyxandra Brown - Executive Director of Our Muskoka
Planners – Planscape, Muskoka