Why did we come together?

Our Muskoka is concerned about the complexity and impact of the policy directions the adopted Official Plan by the Township of Muskoka Lakes has taken. These policies will remove existing development rights, freeze development on existing properties, and increase the costs of owning in Muskoka. This is why Our Muskoka has appealed the TML Official Plan.

The creativity that has contributed to Muskoka’s charm will be increasingly constrained. 

Much of this is being done based on claims that it is required to “protect the environment”.  We disagree. Muskoka does a good job of protecting the environment. It is not a matter of more controls; it is a matter of having the right controls and enforcing them. The controls we currently have are working. We should celebrate this achievement and ensure we continue to improve. This does not mean we have to remove, constrain or freeze reasonable development rights. 

Instead of continuing the practice of implementing increasingly complex regulations that drive up costs, restrict creativity, and exclude large segments of the population from continuing to enjoy Muskoka, let’s find a different way. 

That is what Our Muskoka is about. 

Let’s put policies in place that are straightforward, fair, and enforceable, that do not impede creativity or result in increasingly uniform development and that respect the environment and the qualities that make Muskoka so beautiful.    

This can be done, and now is the time. 

Why support us?

The Township of Muskoka Lakes has approved a new Official Plan. Our Muskoka has appealed this Official Plan. Please refer to our TML Official Plan page. Our Muskoka is a group of residents and business owners who will continue to be part of the process and ensure the following principles are respected.

Promoting sensible, careful and responsible enjoyment of the environment and lands in Muskoka

Respecting and managing the preservation and evolution of the unique characteristics of Muskoka

Promoting the Township as a complete community welcoming a variety of lifestyle choices

Relying on accurate, credible research relating to the reasonable use and responsible development in Muskoka

Ensuring the charm and diversity of development is respected

Educating and increasing public understanding of land use decisions in Muskoka

Encouraging an efficient and effective system of managing land use that balances protection of the environment with respect for property rights

Our Fundamentals


We believe in  


Complete communities

Environmental stewardship

Progressive solutions 

Flexible alternatives

Individual rights


Our purpose is to

Ensure strong ongoing environmental stewardship

Protect the features of Muskoka that make it a world class destination 

Ensure regulations are effective and efficient

Streamline the approvals process so it is accessible and predictable

Support delegation of approvals for straight forward applications to municipal staff

Protect diversity and individual property rights

Support balanced policies that foster a complete community

Sustain a strong inclusive local economy 

Celebrate our heritage and embrace an innovative future.

We support 

Policies and regulations that are straight forward, balanced and understandable. 

Environmental stewardship

A healthy year-round economy 

The rights of property owners 

Ongoing access to required services

Respect for the historic character of development

Flexibility to allow diversity

Ongoing access to our lakes and rivers